Creative Environments in Tubac, AZ specializes designing, building, and maintaining beautiful residential and commercial outdoor spaces in southern Arizona. Creative Environments is a full-service landscaping company that takes pride in providing top quality services with attention to detail. From design and installation to maintenance and repairs, we can handle all your landscaping needs.

Family-owned and operated, we serve the Southern Arizona area, including Tubac, Green Valley, Sahuarita, and Rio Rico, Arizona!

Creative Environments Landscaping
Creative Environments Landscaping
Creative Environments Landscaping


Licensed, Bonded & Insured

We are licensed, bonded, and insured contractor so that you can have the confidence and peace of mind that your landscape project will be completed properly.

Always on Time

Customer service is our top priority. We value prompt service and timeliness with a great customer experience so that your outdoor project is completed in a timely manner and ready for you to enjoy.

Satisfaction Guaranteed

Creative Environments Landscapes is proud to stand behind all of our projects with a 100% satisfaction guarantee. Our mission is to create and maintain beautiful outdoor spaces that you love.

Steve Brown Creative Environments Landscapes

Steve Brown | Owner

Steve Brown founded Creative Environments out of his love for designing beautiful outdoor spaces that complement the surrounding environment. He has a true passion for designing outdoor environments that make people enjoy living life outdoors.

His focus on quality and attention to detail is evident in each project, and he always aims to create landscapes that are tailored to fit the unique environment. His landscapes are not only beautiful but also functional and sustainable.